The foundation exists to provide youth life skills and mentorship programs to all young adults in need. To accomplish this goal, the youth are placed in an environment designed to promote a positive relationship between the youth and professional mentor. This environment will allow the youth to create his/her own successful learning environment, obtaining life-long skill sets that reinforce personal responsibly while educating on life skills and goal setting. We believe in helping our youth focus on a personal change that will enhance their opportunities for success in society.
Our goal is to provide our youth and young adults with options and opportunities that will allow them to make the best choices in their life decisions. The program is designed to assist youths and young adults in self-identifying skills of leadership, motivation, guidance, and mentorship that will formulate a sense of positive thinking, direction, and the pursuit of excellence, ensuring our youth are prepared to take on tomorrow’s challenges.
Options & Opportunities: the Choice Program’s initial goal is to create a life skill academic pilot program, in partnership with the local high schools in Riverside County. The concept of this program is to provide leadership and life skills curriculum for six consecutive weeks (2 hours sessions) with a variety of learning topics each week. With the assistance of certified professional counselors, this program will provide the right training material and curriculum required to equip these young adults for their futures, as our great nation’s leaders of tomorrow.
To accomplish this goal, OOCP is pursuing partnerships, sponsorships, fundraisers, donations, grants, and other options to acquire the necessary funds to make OOCP a reality.
In addition, OOCP’s primary goal is to provide four separate one-week camp programs that will include a controlled boot camp, lifestyle program that will provide: time management, goal setting, self-esteem and confidence building, guidance, critical thinking, conflict resolution and learning how to ask the right questions as it relates to the needs to achieve in society. The Options and Opportunities: the Choice Program will strengthen interpersonal relationships and improve the young person's confidence through character building while providing the right direction for our youth for a brighter future.
The ultimate goal is to become a global force, expanding our vision and leadership by ensuring our organization is a guiding force for excellence as it relates to the world's youth.